Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Master of Shiite History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Sheikh Sadouq's important journey was 367 AH in Neyshabour. He lived in this city and conducted some Hadith meetings for more than a year. These meetings were hardly noticed by other scholars. His journey coincided with the growing influence of Sufis in this city and was accompanied by the long absence due to the ongoing ideological crisis of the Shiites. He tried to unify their beliefs. There is a hypothesis that he held some meetings in secret to write hadiths and took special care to prevent the spread of Sufism in Neyshabour. Therefore, the question of  how Sheikh Sadouq dealt with the marginalization of Sufis in Neyshabur arises based on the text of al-Amali.   
This descriptive-analytical text-based study aims to examine Sheikh Sadouq's marginalization of Sufism and prevent its spread by emphasizing the Shi'a concepts in Neyshabur. This study was conducted on "the position and dignity of the Imams" and faith commitment to act in contrast to the Sufi notions. It was also performed in "possibility of doing dignity by Sufi elders" and "adherence to etiquette", as well as the use of story forms in narrating. He increased the possibility of the early presence of those inclined to Sufism in his congregations. At the same time, it provided the possibility of comparing them with Sufi ideas and creating the idea of "we are better than them" in the minds of the Shi’a audience and the idea of "they are better than us" in the thoughts of the general audience by the extensive narration of examples of Shi’a ideas.


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