Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD student of Islamic Iranian History, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


The problem of current research is what is the meaning and relationship of time and place in the ancient Iranian historical perspective. What is meant here from Iranian historical perspective is a theoretical model and a discursive articulation consisting of a series of elements and concepts that emerged in the political and cultural contexts of the Mazdai-Sassanian period and were reproduced in later periods. The concept of time and place in the ancient Iranian historical perspective can be discussed on two levels: the socio-political and the theological-mythological. The socio-political level of time and place in Iranian historical perspective lies on the theological-mythological level. The theological-mythological level, which focuses on the struggle between good and evil, has a linear form. While the socio-political level of the concept of time and place is formed within a circular understanding of existence and society, and is based on the rise and fall of kingdoms, it has a cyclical and repetitive state. According to the results of this study, in the ancient Iranian historical perspective, the king is placed in the center and middle link of historical and transhistorical times and places. In this historical perspective, the socio-political level of time and place is located along the theological-mythological level, and around the status and order of the kingdom. Likewise, the collapse of the royal order causes the disconnection of the aforementioned historical and transhistorical times and places. 


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