Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 . Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili , Ardabil, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran


This article analyzes how the epic concepts of the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi are reflected in the depiction of the power of the Mongols and the Iranians in the Shahnameh of Changizi.The differences and distinctions in the portrayal of the power of these two groups in the Shahnameh of Changizi are presented using analytical and comparative methods. In this method, the descriptions of  the appearance and characteristics of the Mongols and Iranians in the Shahnameh are first discussed and then the differences in the behavior, actions, and use of power between these two groups are analyzed and compared. The results of this analysis show that the Shahnameh of Changizi presents portrays significant differences in the power dynamics between the Mongols and the Iranians. The Mongols are portrayed as a conquering and warlike power, while the Iranians are portrayed as a conservative and traditional power. Furthermore, cultural foundations play an important role in the portrayal of power between these two groups and emphasize the cultural differences in their power dynamics.


Main Subjects

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