Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associated Professer of History, Research Group of Intellectual and Cultural History of Iran, Department of History , Iinstitute of humanities and cultural studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Phd student in history of Islam, University of Lorestan, Khorram Abad, Iran


Abul Ḥasan Ali b. Mohammad b. Ḥabib Basri Māwardī was one of the great Šafi'i jurists in the 4th and 5th Hijri centuries, who occupies an important place in the history of political thought in Islam due to the numerous works he wrote on the subject of politics. “A’lām al-Nubuwwah” is one of Māwardī's surviving works written on the subject of proving the prophethood of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) by referring to his prophetic signs. Considering the fact that this book is one of the biographical works, and also considering the fact that the historical perspective means the historian's way of historical thinking, the present study attempts to find an answer to the question of what was the historical perspective or Māwardī's historiographical thoughts in “A’lām al-Nubuwwah”, and on the other hand, what was the impact of his theological thoughts on his historiography? The authors arrived at these results through a descriptive-analytical approach and, the use of library sources: Māwardī had a historical insight when he spoke about the miracle-based narratives and also presented the history of Prophet’s (pbuh) life. Despite the theological approach to the issue of miracles, he showed his historical insight by paying attention to historical elements (time-place-situation), showing tolerance in knowing the narrator, paying attention to the possibility of the arrival of news as much as possible, as well as criticism and analysis. His theological approach in discussing the miracles of the Quran and the acceptance of infallibility before prophethood was also similar to that of the Muʻtazila. Due to Ash'ari 's opposition to infallibility before prophethood, his theological approach in this work can be considered similar to that of the Muʻtazilites. 


Main Subjects

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