
1 Associate Professor of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Master of Science in History


Constitutional literature is part of the rich and prolific literature of Iran, which was formed at a time when the socio-political situation, class structure and traditional fabric of society were changing. Theoretical and practical forms played an important role in the events and their poems, which were written in very simple and popular language, were famous among the people of the street and the bazaar. Among these constitutionalists and modernists, the queen of spring poets had a special place and her poems reflected the evolution of time and her genius and great awareness of Persian poetry. , And even converted Islam into ancient poetic forms and awakened and intellectualized the society of its time.
This article tries to explain the cruel and identifying elements of the poetry of the Queen of Spring Poets, and her motivation for composing these poems, as well as their impact on society.


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