
Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Shahre Ray Branch


Methodological issues are one of the important topics of research in the field of various sciences. Max Weber was one of the thinkers in this field in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His views on methodology opened a new chapter in the field of humanities research. This article tries to find the theoretical foundations of Max Weber's methodology, his methods in the practical field of research based on methods of causal explanation, comparative studies and exemplary examples. To achieve this goal, it will examine the following characteristics: 1. Belief in the independence of science; 2. Relativity of knowledge of reality; 3. Denial of Absolute Committeeism; 4. Relativity of prediction and probability in humanities; 5. Minimize value judgments in the humanities.
Another task we seek is to understand how they are used in historical studies and research. To achieve this goal, the question arises: What is the effect of using Weber's methodology in historical studies and research? In response to this question, the following hypothesis has been proposed; Weber's methodology has an effect on improving the scientific level of historical studies and researches and leads to the adoption of an analytical approach by the researcher in understanding and realizing the historical phenomenon. In other words, Weber raised the methodology of historiography from the level of chronology to analytical historiography.


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