
1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Al-Zahra University

2 Master of Science in Islamic History of Al-Zahra University


Being aware if historians' viewpoint can help in lightening their historical approach and insight. Al-Bed' va Al-Tarikh, by Motahar ibn Taher Maghdasi is one of important historical sources that has been written with special approach to history. Trying to understand impacts of epistemological vision of Maghdasi in Historiography, it is possible to imagine that this epistemological vision of him on essentials of history has caused a critical approach, endeavors to understanding the truth and comprehensive consideration of previous events. Maghdasi's historiographical method is a complex of variety of sciences and traditions. connecting these, he has expanded and deepened innovation aspects of history. he has convinced reaching the truths as history's most important goal, and critical approach on events as historical explanation. Maghdasi has tried to be impartial and to use rationalization in evaluation of narratives in order to benefit a truth seeking approach in history.
