
1 Associate of Isfahan University

2 PhD Candidate in History of Islam, University of Isfahan


The word "Jahl" (ignorance) from which the term "Jahilyya" is derived, is considered the opposite of "Alm" (Knowledge) in the view point of some linguists and some others as the opposite of "Hilmn" (patience); but from Quran view point the main antonym of that is "Aghl" (wisdom), so that by the means of Quran's verses with the same meaning, we find out that Alm (knowledge) is thinking matter and "Hilm" (Patience) is considered as intellect's reasons, causes and aspect. So from Quran point of view "Ignorance" means the all affairs against knowledge and wisdom. Althogh the first application includes a period before the mission of holy prophet of Islam, but it is a culture that can exist in of all eras and areas. A research in historical and literary texts confirms this common point that "Ignorance Age" was the period of illiteracy, stupidity, refraine from of the prophet teachings and such affairs.
