
Faculty Member, University of Sistan and Baluchestn


 One of the properties of the Timurid age is its governmental approach to the history. Though this approach is apparently a continue of actions of previous historians, but a survey in the texts shows that special thoughts in tamurid society and urgent need of tamurid princes to legitimacy, has distinguished this age from other historical ages. Taj al-salmani is one of the pioneers who perfectly showed The governmental aims in his Shams alHosn, but in compare with his contemporaries, he is less mentioned. identifying and evaluating various aspects of historiography of shams alhosn according to attempts of its author in strengthening Emirate discourse and fulfilling manner of legitimacy are the main objective of this research. The main question is what are the components of historiography of sham al-hosn? what is the connection of historiography of Taj al-salmani with later books ? Finally has this book been able to provide discourse goals of the governmental? This paper is about to show that endeavors for explaining the obscure legitimacy of Jaghtaii house was the most concern of Tamurid princes. This led them to appoint some writers. sham al-hosn is also among these books that has been written with a discourse approach and in order to strengthen the Emirate based discourse. The next two books in this period Zafarnameh yazdi and Jame al-tavarikh hassani followed this method. The main components of these books are two guidelines, increasing the importance of military actions and diminishing the effort of Iranian officials.
