
PhD Candidate of Sociology (Social Changes) at Shiraz University


The goal of this research is critical evaluation of Anti- historicism approach. An approach that has been pragmatic for half century while embraced such great characteristic, Karl Popper. The method of this article is documental. Results show that although anti-historicism criticism has gained success on Orthodox Marxism, the extension of its weakness to the overall controversies of historicism, is the objection of anti-historicism. In addition, reduction of the logic of history science to logic of natural science with the characteristic of 'falsification' is another objection. This caused devaluation of values in history studies, forming logical reductionism, dominating methodological individualism as well as offering no alternative model for history study. Therefore anti-historicism is suffering from Poverty of Theory for it is against the study of history with looking- back perspective, explanation and analytical views and also for the privative not affirmative criticism upon historicism.
