
1 Associate Professor of History , Department of History, al -zahra University

2 MA in History and civilization of Islam .Islamic nation and the researches of Islamic manuscripts


 It is true that original documents are invaluable sources among other primary sources in terms of authenticity. As may any harm to its originality cause mislead to the process of research, the authenticity of each document should be examined in advance. Taking advantage from source’s data, which is the introduced method by this research, is among the recognition methods on testing the original documents. The methods applied in this research would be counted from external analysis of documents to description and comparison. Findings confirm the validity of the introduced method when applied even on the documents of non- historical fields, however, this advantage is perquisite not a sufficient provision. Researcher should better be aware of all sorts of recognition methods by which they could be able to find more evidence in order to examine the authenticity of documents.
