
Associate Professor, Faculty of Historical Research, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


 The present paper is a research on the cultural history of Iran. Considering that the research was conducted on the historiography of Ibn- Balkhi in order to acquire its dominant ideas, it is considered an epistemology research. Certainly, the role of the historian’s and his society’s culture can be considered a thematic issue in his writing and in the historian’s understanding of historical events and the way he processes them. Ibn -Balkhi’s conventional insight had an approach to the political thoughts of Iranians and Shuubiye culture. Both approaches can be readout in Farsnameh. The result of the study showed that the conventional insight of the society is reflected in the historians’ historiography - such as Ibn -Balkhi - in terms of the historian’s understanding and explanation of credential criteria. Ibn- Balkhi’s viewpoint was a response to the presence of Turks who were in power in Iran, and who were not familiar with the customs of the Persian Governance regulations. It was also a reaction to the presence of non-Iranian ethnics in Iran. In order to confront with the foreigners and with the aim of reproducing the previous Iranian cultural achievements, he turned to “Iran-centered” historiography. The researcher’s inferences have been acquired through the interpretation of contents and data, and discovering credential criteria of Ibn- Balkhi, considering his habitat and classifying his insight.


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