
Teacher of Iranian Aesthetics, Assistant Professor, Arts School, Alzahra University


Iranian Arts emerged out of social, political and cultural changes. This is something which linked directly with more general assumption talking about cultural identity and about adjusting new ideas. Iran, as an ancient country with an old culture and rich traditions, has been facing many cultural challenges which had impact on this country, however; it was also able to exchange culturally and even affect attacking culture and its products simultaneously. Today scholars and social authorities have tendency to proliferate culture on basis of aboriginal cultures. Other believe that postmode-rnnnism is final destiny of human being and we are now shared our destiny with western world making us look at our future through the light of postmodernism. Presently we have come across a complicated situation dealing with dilemma of western culture and its tendency for domination others.
Our Negligence caused us to miss many opportunities for looking at all its aspects. Iranian painting, as cultural heritage, is our symbolic and spiritual repertoire which should be protected as spiritual heritage and histor-ical experiment and we should transfer it to the next generations. This study attempts to look at the situation of Iranian painting and propounds the last theories on tradition, modernism and postmodern-nism. In regard to rapid artistic changes in west the study of thought changes as historical background2 of these changes seems useful. The methodology of this study is analytical and procedure of data collection is documental. The qualitative findings prove that modernity does not mean rupture from tradition. It is necessary to borrow from tradition and to understand its new concepts. We should make ourselves ready to answer this question that how it is possible to recreate traditional arts thought and culture combining with world arts and make a new discourse, and eventually Arts Higher Education should be planned so that it would lead to cultural awareness in regard to roots of modern and traditional arts.


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