
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Al-Zahra University


This article seeks to contemplate the relatively new -founded branch of women's historiography and  course of  modern historiography,and to scrutinize  the question of,  why even after two centuries since establishment of  Rsnkean Positivism  and creaton of significant  branches such as cultural and social historiography, the Women`s historiography has a short life time of less than half a century. To examine this question,the article explains the three main  approaches to historiography in connecton wite woman`s  historiography,and thereafter in a more detailed section investigates the highlights of the unique qualities of woman`s historiography.  The general answer to the main question of the article, which the responsibility for analysis in  placed in the last section of the article, is  look for negligence of the  schools of historiography (political, cultural and social) in regards to  subject of women on  one side and women's awareness towards their rights,and the woman`s rights being placed at the center, resulted from the creation of the feminist movements on other side. The negligence of the schools of historiography is believed o be the main reason for the late creation of the woman`s historiography and  feminist movements is considered as the foremost cause for the creation of this historiography  and grounds for it  has each been described indetail analyzed.
