Apriorical  Imagination and Historical Knowledge: R.G.Collingwood`s  Idea of ​​History
Apriorical Imagination and Historical Knowledge: R.G.Collingwood`s Idea of ​​History

Samira Elyasi

Volume 19, Issue 2 , July 2009, Pages 1-18


  The purpose of this research is to analyze RG theory.  Collingwood is about history to highlight the ambiguities in it. The ambiguities that the author believes are indicative ...  Read More
From  History of  theNoblemen of the History of  the Neglected Women: The reasons for the late Creation of Woman`s Historigraphy
From History of theNoblemen of the History of the Neglected Women: The reasons for the late Creation of Woman`s Historigraphy

Simin Fasihi

Volume 19, Issue 2 , July 2009, Pages 43-67


  This article seeks to contemplate the relatively new -founded branch of women's historiography and  course of  modern historiography,and to scrutinize  the question of,  ...  Read More