
1 Assistant Professor at Tehran University

2 Ph.D. student of Tehran University


The remaining works of Byzantine historians are among sources for understanding Sassanid era developments. These sources include significant information, similar to which not available elsewhere and therefore this makes them important. The history of Theophylactus Simocatta, is one of these sources, which has not been considered by Sassanid's history researchers so far, and is, to some extent, unknown. Persia- Byzantine relations at late six and early seven centuries is the subject of Simocatta's book. In his history, he gives us important facts relating to Persia- Byzantine relations, internal administrative structure of Sassanid dynasty, and its developments at late era, particularly the reign of Hormuz IV, the revolt of Bahram Chobin , and Khosrow II period. Simocatta, who is the last great Byzantine historian, records relatively accurate facts; although, he is not far from unilateral and sometimes prejudice overview. This paper comparatively examines the significance and position of Simocatta's History in Sassanid history studies.
