The Position of History of Theophylactus Simocatta in Sassanid Era Sources
The Position of History of Theophylactus Simocatta in Sassanid Era Sources

Farajallah Ahmadi; Hamid Reza Pashazanoos

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 1-25

  The remaining works of Byzantine historians are among sources for understanding Sassanid era developments. These sources include significant information, similar to which not available ...  Read More
The Effects of Iranian Historiography in Ilkhanian and Timurids Eras on Ottomans Historiography
The Effects of Iranian Historiography in Ilkhanian and Timurids Eras on Ottomans Historiography

Vali Dinparast

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 27-48

  Cultural exchanges between Iran and Anatolia in Selijuks of Rome not only caused the promotion of Persian language and literature and other cultural events in this land but also in ...  Read More
Research Methods of Narrators , From Narrative Era to Writing Era
Research Methods of Narrators , From Narrative Era to Writing Era

Ali Salarishadi

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 49-79

   Research method at any particular age is influenced by the socio-cultural condition of the society of the very period of time in which the research is being conducted .Affected ...  Read More
Seljukid Historiography and the Political Changes
Seljukid Historiography and the Political Changes

Naser Sedghi

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 81-106

  An important part of the Seljuk historiography belongs to the degenerative changes in the fifth and sixth centuries in Iranian society. So an important part of Seljuk historiography ...  Read More
Inefficiency of
Inefficiency of "Value-freedom in Historical Narrative"

Abol hassan Fayaz Anosh

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 107-144

   What viewpoint believes that historical narratives have to be value-free? Why this viewpoint inefficient? the main purpose of the present study is to answer these questions. The ...  Read More
Critical Realism and Cyclical Model in Historicism of Ibn Khaldun
Critical Realism and Cyclical Model in Historicism of Ibn Khaldun

Ahmad Kalateh Sadati

Volume 20, Issue 6 , November 2010, Pages 145-167

   this investigation is about to evaluate critical realism in the view of Ibn Khaldun. Also other goal is to evaluate his cyclical model about rise and fall of village (Badyah) ...  Read More