
Associate Professor,Department of History, Urmiah University


 Research method at any particular age is influenced by the socio-cultural condition of the society of the very period of time in which the research is being conducted .Affected by the culture of the era in which they lived ,early Moslem Narrators and Historians have likewise used different research methods. These methods have derived from the research atmosphere in any particular era and hence they have veiled on oralnarrative manner of expression. yet, as the oral-narrative trend gradually proved to be ineffective the research method underwent some changes. The present article is after providing concise discussion on the emergence and development of research methods adoptee by 1st to 3rd century narrators and historians. the main objective of the researcher in the current study is to find whether these early investigators have been able to come up with a neat framework regarding collection of news and narrations, or each individual has adopted for his unique way of analysis based on his capabilities and talents. finally the reasons behind the advent of writing era will be explored.
