• Abadian, Hossein Elements of National Identity in Some Written Works of the First Half of Qajar Period [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 1-20]

  • Abadian, Hossein Seif-e Azad and Racial Historical Perspective Based on Aryanism [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 11-31]

  • Abbasi, Javad The Typology of Studies on the Shu'ubiyyah in the Contemporary Era (the West, the Arab World, and Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 243-268]

  • Abbasi, Somayeh The Evolution of “Personal Self” and Its Place in Modern Historiography of Iran (Based on Qajar Era Memoirs) [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 87-115]

  • Abbasi, Somayeh An Analysis of the Structure of Narrative in the Ghahraman Mirza Ein Al-Saltanah’s Diary [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 155-177]

  • Abbasi, Somayeh The relationship between memoir and reality [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 131-151]

  • Abbasi, Somayeh Interdisciplinary History and its Position in Historical researches [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 183-220]

  • Abdollahi, Mohammad Javad The Dilemma of Subalterns Political Agency in Cultural History: a Comparative Study [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 235-254]

  • Abdollahi, Mohammad Javad Refusal of the sources and the problem of invention: A case study on how to reconstruct the life of subaltern groups in New Cultural History [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 221-243]

  • Abedinpoor, Vahid The Importance of Colophon in Recognizing the Historical Values of Manuscript of "Jong-e Ahmad Gholam" (Date of Writing: 1135 - 1142 Ah.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 147-179]

  • Adinehvand, Masoud Insights and methods in the history and historicizing of Hamdollah Mustawfi Qhazvini [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 149-179]

  • Afshari, Morteza Discourse Analysis of Traditionalism and Historical Perspectives in the Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Art [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 39-59]

  • Aghajari, Sayed Hashem The Features of Fatimid's Historiography in Islamic Historiography Discourse [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 33-51]

  • Aghajari, Sayed Hashem The Historical Perspective of Isma’ilis Philosophical Components [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 55-75]

  • Aghajari, Sayyed Hashem Explaining ʿAbbās Zaryāb Khoii’s Historiography Components [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 99-121]

  • Aghajari, Seyed Hashem The Revival of the Concept of "Iran" in Hamdollah Mostowfi Qazvini1s Works [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-27]

  • Aghajari, Seyed Hashem Tradition Method and Transition from it in Islamic Historiography [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 5-31]

  • Aghajari, Seyed Hashem Critical analysis of Al-Dori’s view on the Islamic Historigraphy [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 143-165]

  • Aghayalı, Amır Confusion in Consept of Historiographical Text and Role of Intentionality in Justification of this Consept [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 5-30]

  • Aghili, Ahmad The Relation of Science and Politics in the Mystical Sects of Zand Era (with Emphesize on Zahabiyeh and Nematolahiyeh) [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 117-148]

  • Aghili, Seyedeh Saeedeh The Ashuragraphy of Wahhabi Historaians: An Analytical study of Features of Wahhabian Narrative from the Event of Karbala [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 89-114]

  • Ahmadi, Farajallah The Position of History of Theophylactus Simocatta in Sassanid Era Sources [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-25]

  • Ahmadi, Nozhat A Comparative Study of Historians' Political Approach to Local Historiography of Guilan between 9 th -11th Centuries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-20]

  • Ahmadi, Nozhat Reflections of Women’s Social life in Safavid Period in the book called Safineh Fetrat [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 5-24]

  • Ahmadi, Nozhat A New Found Versified History of Shah Abbas the Great [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 11-33]

  • Ahmadi, Nozhat An Analysis of the Historiography of Mohammad Shafi Tehrani in the Meraat al-Sadiqin [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 261-285]

  • Ahmadian, Ghudrat Analyzing Iranian Qajar Travelogues from Kermanshah (with a Post-colonial Approach) [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 123-145]

  • Ahmadimanesh, Mohammad Akhbar al-Tiwal's Narrative of Emergence of the Abassids: An Instance of the Abbasid Perspective [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 33-53]

  • Ahmadimanesh, Mohammad The Emergence of Arabs and the Dynamics of the Early Islamic Decades According to John Bār Penkāye [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 11-30]

  • Ahmadzade, Amir Writing as a Translation (Pathology of Translations in Iran of the Nasiridsi Era 1846- 1895) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 21-39]

  • Ahmadzade, Mohammad Amir The Effect of Nationalist Discourse on the Representation of Ancient Iran in the New Historiography of the Qajar Period (A Case Study of Khosravan's Book by Jalal al-Din Mirza Qajar) [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 9-31]

  • Ahmadzadeh, Mohammad Amir The Importance of the Application of Models and Methods to Analyze the Documents in Historical Research [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 5-34]

  • Ahmadzadeh, Mohammad Amir Utilizing of Psychological Findings in Historical Analysis; a Critical Review [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 91-116]

  • Ahmadzadeh, Mohammad Amir The study of Māwardī 's historiographical opinions and thoughts in A’lām al-Nubuwwah [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 13-32]

  • Alam, Mohammad Reza Explanatory Componentes and Elements of Bahar's Poetry in the Opposition with Despotism [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 117-140]

  • Alam, Mohammad Reza The Differences and Similarities in Memoir Writing of Mustashar-al DulaSadigh and Ehtesham –al salatane [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 125-151]

  • Alam, Mohammad Reza Critical Analysis of Historiography of Khuzestan in Pahlavi and Islamic Republic Era [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 81-104]

  • Alemzadeh, Hadi Typology of Historical Works of Ibn Ḥabīb Baḡdādī (245 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 109-130]

  • Alhooii Nazari, Zahra Zoology in the Islamic History of Natural Sciences [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 21-49]

  • Alijani, Mehdi Analytical Comparison of Ibn Khordadbeh and Istakhri's Geography Writing [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 215-241]

  • Alisoufi, Alireza Nasrollah Falsafi and Iran's New Historiography [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 31-54]

  • Alizade, Zohre Reflection of constitution revolution ideal foundations in dream letters of Qajar era [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 117-147]

  • Alizadehbirjandi, Zahra A Hermeneutic Reading of Title Selection in Islamic Iranian Historical Sources (11-20 CE/5-14 Century AH) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 141-163]

  • Alizadeh Birjandi, zahra Reflection of constitution revolution ideal foundations in dream letters of Qajar era [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 117-147]

  • Alizadeh Birjandi, Zahra The Relations of Nationalistic Discourses and the Civil Rights in Gajar Era [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 71-86]

  • AlizadehBirjandi, Zahra The Effects of Social, Political, and Cultural Factors on Tahmidieh (Praising Allah Statements) Presented in Literatures of the History of Islamic Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 105-122]

  • Alizadeh Moghaddam, Badr al-Sadat The Reflection of Changes in religious views on Public Histories in Safavid Era [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 71-88]

  • Allahyari, Fereydoon Stance of Historiography for the Public in Bastani Parizi View, an Analytical Prospect [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 61-83]

  • Allahyari, Ferydon The Reflection of the Concept of Iran in Tracts of Naser-al-din Monshi Kermani [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 27-59]

  • Ameri, Farzaneh Analysis of the Demands of Tehran Women in the Second Pahlavi Period (1941-1953) based on the Petitions to the National Assembly [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 77-105]

  • Amini, Zoleikha Annales school, intellectual integrity of the historian or environmental determinism [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 29-53]

  • Amini, Zoleikha Religeons self and other in Historiography of Aalam Aaye Araye Naderi [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 5-30]

  • Amini, Zoleikha The Study and Analysis of Ideas of Continuation of Iranian-Islamic Identity Trend in the History of Giti Gosha [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 31-52]

  • Anbarmoo, Mansour Tudeh Party's Stance on Iran's Islamic Revolution witE emphasis on Left Documents (Tudeh Party) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 125-148]

  • Arabi Hashemi, Shokoh Analysis of Local Historiography of Post-Constitutional Iran (1324-1336 AH) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 213-230]

  • Arian rad, Amin Qajar Historians and Dasātiri Narrative on Iran Ancient History [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 57-79]

  • Asadbeigi, Ardeshir A Study of the Timeliness of Narrative in the Exir al-Tavarikh Based on Gerard Genet's Theory [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 123-146]

  • Asgari, Fatemeh Exploring the Grotesque in the Lithographic Pictorial Version of “the Story of His Highness Solomon” [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 181-213]

  • Asgarikia, Farshad An Inquiry in Analytic History Theory by Robin George Collingwood [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 85-104]

  • Asghari, Behzad Jahangir Qaemmaqami and transition to new historiography [(Articles in Press)]

  • Askari Alamouti, Hojjatollah A Historical Debate on Rasa’il Ikhwan Al-Safa Critic of Critic by Abbas Hamdani on Paul Casanova’s Dating of the Rasa’il Ikhwan Al-Safa [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 67-86]

  • Azizi, Hossein Maṯālīb-Negārī in Islamic East [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 153-184]

  • Azizian, Maryam Remaking the Narrative of the Conquest of Iran in Abū Bakr’s Caliphate in the Works of Historians of Third Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 13-41]


  • Babaei Siab, Ali The Features of Fatimid's Historiography in Islamic Historiography Discourse [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 33-51]

  • Babaei Siab, Ali The Historical Perspective of Isma’ilis Philosophical Components [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 55-75]

  • Babaei Siab, Ali Typology of new Ismaili studies and The necessity of research in their historiography [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 15-37]

  • Babaei Siab, Ali The relationship between historiography and power in Ismaili discourse A case study of the Fatimid government [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 33-54]

  • Bagheri, Nima Remaking the Narrative of the Conquest of Iran in Abū Bakr’s Caliphate in the Works of Historians of Third Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 13-41]

  • Bagherian, Zohreh A Review of Narrations by Mo’jam al-Sahāba about the al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn, Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Model of Fairclough [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 77-96]

  • Bahrami, Rohallah Pictorial and Illustrated history of the Sassanian Era (An Analysis of "Ketab Al Sovar" or"BaniSasan's Soorat-ul- Molouk) [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 27-57]

  • Bahranipour, Ali Attempts for localizing the Annales School of historiography: a case study of Ali Mazaheri’s viewpoints in the central chapters of his la Route de la Soie [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 5-37]

  • Bakhtiari, Shahla Epistemological Vision in Historiography of Motahar ibn Taher Maghdasi [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 1-24]

  • Bakhtiari, Shahla Social Approach of Ziauddin Barani in Official Historiography [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 33-54]

  • Barani, Mohammad Reza The Citation Survey of a Narration of ‘Ashura, The Book Tasliyat-Al-Mojales va Zinat-Al-Majalis [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 35-70]

  • Baratifar, Afsaneh Representation of the Black Face of Kaykāvus in the Shahnamah of Shah Tahmasp with a View of the Persian and Ottoman Wars [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 283-320]

  • Boroumand, Safoura Study of the Governance of Abbasid Rulers in Tabaristan Based on Choronology of Coins and Written Sources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 79-107]

  • Borumand, Safora Pathology on Numismatic Studies in Iran: An Iran Ancient Coins Case Study [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 1-27]

  • Borumand A’lam, Abbas Comparison of the Contents of the Book of Basa'r-al-Darajat with Authentic Sources of Shi'i Narrative [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 133-156]


  • Chelongar, Mohamadali A critical Review of Historical Views of Mohammad Qutb [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 33-54]

  • Chelongar, Mohammad Ali Explaining ʿAbbās Zaryāb Khoii’s Historiography Components [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 99-121]

  • Chelongar, Mohammad Ali Explaining the Methodological Components in Seyed Jafar Shahidi Religious Historiography [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 53-84]

  • Chelongar, MohammadAli A Review of Narrations by Mo’jam al-Sahāba about the al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn, Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Model of Fairclough [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 77-96]

  • Choubak, Hamideh People's Attitudes to Antiquities in the Qajar Period [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 105-124]


  • Dalir, Nayere Historical Sociology of "Sultan's Holiness" and the Concept of "Zell Allah"; Based on historiographical sources of the Ilkhanid period [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 101-119]

  • Dalvand, Hamid Reza Legacy of Šiz in Zoroastrian Traditions under Islamic Reign [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 71-88]

  • Dehghan, Masoumeh Analysis of Events in the History of Alternative [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-104]

  • Delavari, Abolfazl Relation Between History and Progress in Mirza Saleh's Itinerary: Rays of Comparative History in Qajar Era [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 95-116]

  • Dinparast, Vali The Effects of Iranian Historiography in Ilkhanian and Timurids Eras on Ottomans Historiography [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-48]


  • Ebadi, Mahdi The Ashuragraphy of Wahhabi Historaians: An Analytical study of Features of Wahhabian Narrative from the Event of Karbala [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 89-114]

  • Ebadi, Mahdi From Āl-iʿOt̲h̲mān to the Ottoman Empire: Historiographical Nomenclature [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ebrahimi, Seyede Fahime Transoxians Reformist Narriation in 20 Century about Muslim Community Situation Under Tsarid (Case study: Aburauf Fitrats works) [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 5-24]

  • Ebrahimi Juybari, Askari An Approach to the Tradition of Historiography in Ancient Iran [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 1-32]

  • Elyasi, Samira Apriorical Imagination and Historical Knowledge: R.G.Collingwood`s Idea of ​​History [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-18]


  • Farahmand, Younes Reflection of Shiʿite Beliefs and Attitudes in the Tarīḵ al-Mūṣel by Abū Zakarīya Azdī (d.334 AH.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 317-330]

  • Farahmand, Younes Typology of Historical Works of Ibn Ḥabīb Baḡdādī (245 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 109-130]

  • Farhani Monfared, Mehdi The Bases of The Historical Science in Vassaf-e- Shirazi`s Thought [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-122]

  • Fasihi, Simin From History of theNoblemen of the History of the Neglected Women: The reasons for the late Creation of Woman`s Historigraphy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 43-67]

  • Fasihi, Simin Nationalism in The History Textbooks in The first Pahlavid Period [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 181-205]

  • Fasihi, Simin The Evolution of “Personal Self” and Its Place in Modern Historiography of Iran (Based on Qajar Era Memoirs) [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 87-115]

  • Fasihi, Simin Historical Validation of DAR CHASHM-E BAAD (In the Winds' Eye) and EMARAT-E FARANGI, Two Iranian TV Series (Reza Shah Era) [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 117-144]

  • Fattahizadeh, Abouzar The Dilemma of Subalterns Political Agency in Cultural History: a Comparative Study [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 235-254]

  • Fayaz anosh, Abolhasan Confusion in Consept of Historiographical Text and Role of Intentionality in Justification of this Consept [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 5-30]

  • Fayaz Anosh, Abolhasan Historiography and Historical Perspective of Munajjim Yazdi Family [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 89-110]

  • Fayaz Anosh, Abol hassan Inefficiency of "Value-freedom in Historical Narrative" [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-144]

  • Fazlinejad, Ahmad The Revival of the Concept of "Iran" in Hamdollah Mostowfi Qazvini1s Works [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-27]

  • Fazlinejad, Ahmad A Study of the Representation of Kiyanid Aspect in the Historiography and Epic Poetry of Ilkhanid Era [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 149-179]

  • Fazlinejad, Ahmad The “Bon Sauvage” and the Man of the Millennium: A Historiography of Western Studies on the Mongol Empire [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 256-321]

  • Feizi, Kyoumars An Analysis of Sharafkhan Badlisi's Approach to Historical Perspective and Historiography in Sharafnameh [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 269-295]

  • Feizisakha, Mahdi Historiography of Abdi Baig Shirazi in Takmalat Al Akhbar [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 105-123]


  • Garadagi, Masomeh An Analysis of the Historiography of Mohammad Shafi Tehrani in the Meraat al-Sadiqin [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 261-285]

  • Garshasbi, Ashkan Parthian Royal Titles on the Coins [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 137-160]

  • Gerami, Sed Mohmmad Hadi Tafsīr bir-ray in a Historical Perspective and its Relationship with the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabatabai in this Regard [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 79-106]

  • Ghadimi Gheidari, Abbas An analysis on caricatures of the Azerbaijan newspaper during constitutional period (1907) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 177-210]

  • Ghadimi Gheidari, Abbas The status and Importance of Khavari Historiography in early Historiography of Qajar [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 69-91]

  • Ghadimi Gheidari, Abbas An Introduction to Difficulties of Historiography in Iran with an Emphasis on the Qajar [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 63-85]

  • Ghadimi Gheidari, Abbas Women, Traditions, Education and Social Awareness (Historical Discourse Analysis and Mollanasradin's Approach to Women) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 125-154]

  • Ghadiyani Nejad Razaki, Zahra From historical psychology to psychological history [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-176]

  • Ghaffari Samar, Hossein Comparison of the Contents of the Book of Basa'r-al-Darajat with Authentic Sources of Shi'i Narrative [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 133-156]

  • Ghanavat, Abdolrahim A study of Nowruznameh in the Islamic era (up to the ninth century A.H.) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 211-234]

  • Ghanbari, Sabah Mission of the historian; An exploration and a critique on the thick description as the most important task of historians [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ghanbari Male, Zahra Recognition of method of Historiography of Mansure Etehadieh [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 105-127]

  • Gharib, Ghasem The Typology of Studies on the Shu'ubiyyah in the Contemporary Era (the West, the Arab World, and Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 243-268]

  • Ghazizadeh, Khashayar Discourse Analysis of Traditionalism and Historical Perspectives in the Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Art [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 39-59]

  • Ghazvini Nazmabadi, Mohammad The Comparative Semantic Analysis of "Ignorance" in Quran, Historical and Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 111-136]

  • Ghiasian, Mohamad Reza A Comparative Study of the History of Pishdadian in the Jami’ al-tawarikh and the Majma’ al-tawarikh [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 179-204]

  • Ghodrat Dizaji, Mehrdad Cyrus Cylinder as a Source for Achaemenid History [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 75-104]

  • Gholizadeh, Fatemeh Study of the Governance of Abbasid Rulers in Tabaristan Based on Choronology of Coins and Written Sources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 79-107]

  • Gholizadeh, Mohammadreza An Analysis of the Place of Historical Studies and Historiographies in Encyclopedias and Ajayebnamehs (Wonderbooks) [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 115-141]

  • Gohari Fakhrabad, Mostafa The issue of similarity or difference between Al-Hāwi Fi al-Tibb and Al-Jāmi' Al-Kabir of Muhammad ibn Zakariya Al-Razi: An Evidence based study [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 55-70]

  • Golami Firozgaie, Ali The Study of the Mas'udi's History (290-346 AH) in Altanbihwalashraf with Emphasis on Sources [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 131-152]

  • Golmohammadi, Ahmad Redefining Political History [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 107-128]

  • Golmohammadi, Ahmad Constitutional Revolution and Redefine of Political Power [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 182-201]


  • Hafezi Motlagh, Naser Review of History as Chaotic Behavior of a Nonlinear System [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 51-78]

  • Hamedi, Zahra Nationalism in The History Textbooks in The first Pahlavid Period [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 181-205]

  • Hamraz, Vida Recognition of Theoretical and Structural Common Ground of Audio Media & Oral History [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 155-171]

  • Hasan Mosafa, Zahra A Comparative Study of Historians' Political Approach to Local Historiography of Guilan between 9 th -11th Centuries [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-20]

  • HassanBeigi, Mohammad Paradigmatic Ideas in the Critique of Historical Reason in Islam [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 107-129]

  • Hassanifar, Abdolrahman Representation of Iraqi military violence in memoirs of Iranian prisoners of war/holy defens [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-79]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmaeil Historiography of Mustafa Fateh, Fateh’s approach to the Role of oil in the development and non‌‌_ development of Iran [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmail Vision and Method in "Utbi's" Historiography [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 59-92]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmail The Usage of Sources in recognition of original Historical Documents [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 89-124]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmail Discourse Turn and Iranian Readings of Khiabani's Uprising [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 25-55]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmail An Event, A Historian, Three Narrations: A Critical Analysis of Kasravi's Narratives of the Uprising of Sheikh Mohammad Khaybani [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 97-117]

  • Hassanzadeh, Esmail The place and importance of Monsha'at in historiography; Relying on the Monsha'at and Tarassul of Moinuddin-Mohammed Zamji-Esfazari [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 89-115]

  • Hatami, Amirhosein Tradition Method and Transition from it in Islamic Historiography [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 5-31]

  • Hazrati, Hassan On the Most Crucial Disciplinary Task of the Historians [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 69-87]

  • Hazrati, Hassan An introduction to the thematic and native periodization of Iran's history [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 105-133]

  • Hazrati, Hassan "Thick Description", the most important scientific responsibility of historians from old to modern period [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 117-135]

  • Hazratti, Hasan "Iranian Society" in Paris: According to Ahmad Aghayev (1891-1893) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 25-49]

  • Headarnejad, Yosof The position of the holy matter in the historiography of Medina and Iraq [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 81-100]

  • Heravi, Javad An Analysis of Contemporary Tajik Historian's Approach to the Samanid Government [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 257-279]

  • Hoseini, Fahimeh Readout of the Amirkabirs’ Letters based on the Triple Objectives of Foreign Policy [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 39-75]

  • Hoseiny, Mohammad Sadegh A study and Analysis of the Reflection of Ghazwa Banu Qaynaqa’ in Quran with an Emphasis on Quran’s Attitudinal and Authorship Patterns [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 53-75]

  • Hosseini, Sayyed Toufiq The presocratic philosophical legacy of ancient Greece and its influence on Zoroastrian eschatology [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 81-103]

  • Huoshmand Nahand, Mehdi The Place of Oral History and Myth in Historiography of Rashidaddin Fazollah [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 101-116]


  • Imanpour, Mohammad Taghi The Pathological Review of Selecting Topics in Historical Research: The Case of of Historical Thises [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 5-32]

  • Imanpour, Mohammad Taghi Pathology of “Problem Statement” in Historical Research (Case Study: Master Dissertations in History) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 15-38]

  • Imanpour, Mohammad-Taghi The pathology of Literature review in historical studies (Case study: master theses in the field of history) [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 245-272]


  • Jafari, Aliakbar Stance of Historiography for the Public in Bastani Parizi View, an Analytical Prospect [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 61-83]

  • Jafari, Farshad A Study of Historical Method and Insight of Abassgholi Agha Bakikhanov (with Emphasize on Golestan Iram) [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 137-158]

  • Jahani, Fereshte Representation of American press developments in Qajar era newspapers and its effect on the journalism process of this period [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 51-80]

  • Jamaloo, Mohammad Applying the Publishing Standards of the International Institute of ISO in Persian Journals of History [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 159-184]

  • Jamili Kohne Shahri, Fatemeh Sociological ambivalence in Naseredein shah Qajar from the point of view of itinerary of "Persia and the Persian Question "of Lord Curzon with orientalism approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 1-35]

  • Jamshidiha, Golam Reza The Nature Historical Explanation of Ibn Khaldun’s Thoughts [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 21-44]

  • Janahmadi, Fatemeh Style and Insight of Umar ibn Shabeh Namiri in history of Al-Madina Al-monavareh [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 31-55]

  • Janahmadi, Fatemeh The Features of Fatimid's Historiography in Islamic Historiography Discourse [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 33-51]

  • Janahmadi, Fatemeh The Historical Perspective of Isma’ilis Philosophical Components [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 55-75]

  • Jodaki, Mohamadali Ideas of Iranian Identity in Banakati’s Historiography Dissertation [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 55-80]

  • Jozian, Akram Social Approach of Ziauddin Barani in Official Historiography [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 33-54]


  • Kachuei, Alireza Reviewing and criticizing the opinions and arguments of Arab and Iranian historians about the name of the Persian Gulf [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 253-281]

  • Kajbaf, Ali Akbar Historiography and Historical Perspective of Munajjim Yazdi Family [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 89-110]

  • Kajbaf, Ali Akbar The Importance of Colophon in Recognizing the Historical Values of Manuscript of "Jong-e Ahmad Gholam" (Date of Writing: 1135 - 1142 Ah.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 147-179]

  • Kalateh Sadat, Ahmad The Poverty of Anti-historicism at Encountering with History: One Critical Evaluation [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 153-178]

  • Kalateh Sadati, Ahmad Critical Realism and Cyclical Model in Historicism of Ibn Khaldun [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 145-167]

  • Kalirad, Ali "Iranian Society" in Paris: According to Ahmad Aghayev (1891-1893) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 25-49]

  • Karbasi, Alireza An Approach to History from the Viewpoint of Philosophy of History of Zoroastrianism [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 55-77]

  • Karimi, Aalireza Dar al-Harb (With Emphasis on Europe) Muslim Explorers Point of View Until The Mongoian Incursion [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 97-120]

  • Karimi, Jalil Analyzing Iranian Qajar Travelogues from Kermanshah (with a Post-colonial Approach) [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 123-145]

  • Karimian, Hasan Study of the Governance of Abbasid Rulers in Tabaristan Based on Choronology of Coins and Written Sources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 79-107]

  • Kasiri, Masood Criticism of E’zam Al-Wezare’s Narrative, About Reasons for the Execution of Seqat Al-Eslam Shahidi Khansari, Based on New Documents [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 205-237]

  • Kavousi Rakati, Samad Cryptography in Qajar Period Passing Through the Traditional Cryptography to the Modern One [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 165-187]

  • Kazembeyki, Mohammad Ali Tārīkh Khwarāzm of Maĥmūd ibn Muĥammad alKhwārazmī:A Local History with Religio-Cultural approach [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 129-168]

  • Kazemi, Mohamadhosein A Thematic Analysis of Kharijite Narretives of the Umayyad Era (41-132) in the Historical Sources of the Companions of Hadith [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-209]

  • Kazemi, Zahra Women, Traditions, Education and Social Awareness (Historical Discourse Analysis and Mollanasradin's Approach to Women) [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 125-154]

  • Keshavarz Beyzai, Mohammad The Factors behind Attention of Historians to Hafiz Shirazi's Poetry and Its Function in Historical Resources (From Timurid Empire to Qajar Dynasty 14-19 Ad) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 189-211]

  • Keshmiri, Maryam Representation of the Black Face of Kaykāvus in the Shahnamah of Shah Tahmasp with a View of the Persian and Ottoman Wars [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 283-320]

  • Khajehmirza, Mahmood A Study of the Timeliness of Narrative in the Exir al-Tavarikh Based on Gerard Genet's Theory [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 123-146]

  • Khaksar, Mohammad Hosien Review of History as Chaotic Behavior of a Nonlinear System [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 51-78]

  • Khalifeh, Mojtaba Historical Importance of Mahmud Kashghari's Divan Loghāt Al-Turk [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 45-59]

  • Khalifeh, Mojtaba Qajar Historians and Dasātiri Narrative on Iran Ancient History [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 57-79]

  • Khalili, Mohsen "FARANG" in Qajar Historians` Narration [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 61-97]

  • Khalili, Mohsen Readout of the Amirkabirs’ Letters based on the Triple Objectives of Foreign Policy [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 39-75]

  • Khavari, Naser Intuition and Method in Mahmood Hosseini Monshi Jami Historigraphy [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 65-93]

  • Khazaei, Yaghoub Historiography of Makki: Political Agency, Heroism and its Relationship with Profession of Historiography [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 119-136]

  • Khazaei, Yaghoub Anachronism and Doxa Attitude in Dr. Nasser Takmil Homayoun’s Historiography [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 89-107]

  • Kheirandish, Abdolrasul The “Bon Sauvage” and the Man of the Millennium: A Historiography of Western Studies on the Mongol Empire [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 256-321]

  • Khosrobeigi, Hooshang Representation of the Concept of Common People in the Memoirs of the Constitutional Era, Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 265-296]

  • Koohi, Mahnaz The study of Māwardī 's historiographical opinions and thoughts in A’lām al-Nubuwwah [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 13-32]

  • Korani, Zahra Analyzing Iranian Qajar Travelogues from Kermanshah (with a Post-colonial Approach) [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 123-145]


  • Lal shateri, Mostafa A comparative study of Images of Jinns in Karbala in lithographed Books of Naseri era with Islamic Narratives: A case Study of Toofan-al-Bokae [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 147-176]

  • Lal Shateri, Mostafa The Badaye al-vaqaye place in the Artistic Historiography at the era of Sultan Husayn Bayqara (A Case Study of Khorasan’s Musicians) [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 115-142]

  • Lotfabadi, Mohsen An Analysis about Historiography and Historical Perspective of Hazin Lahiji [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 235-259]


  • Mahmoodabadi, Asghar The Morphology of Kufic Inscriptions in Mosques and Minarets in Isfahan: The Cases of Razi and Azari Styles [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-38]

  • Mahmoudabadi, Sed Asghar The Comparative Semantic Analysis of "Ignorance" in Quran, Historical and Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 111-136]

  • Majedi, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Relation Between History and Progress in Mirza Saleh's Itinerary: Rays of Comparative History in Qajar Era [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 95-116]

  • Malekshahi, Hashem Interdisciplinary History and its Position in Historical researches [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 183-220]

  • Malekzadeh, Elham Reserch about Formal Historiography of Women in Pahlavi I Age [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 87-107]

  • Massumi, Mohsen A Review of Correntness and Accuracy of Statistics and Figures in the General Islamic History Sources [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 125-143]

  • Mazaheri, Rasoul Analysis of Local Historiography of Post-Constitutional Iran (1324-1336 AH) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 213-230]

  • Mesbahian, Hosein University: From History to Philosophy: about the Indispenability of Historical Analysis and philosophical Rethinking of the Idea of ​​ University [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 123-157]

  • Mesbahian, Hossein Reinventing the Self: A Philosophical Encounter with the Historiography of Cultural Identity [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 255-274]

  • Mirzaei, Abbas An Analysis on a Historical Anachronism; A Critic on the Narrations of Umm Salama on Martyrdom and Successorship of Imam Husayn (a) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 297-315]

  • Mirzaei, Ali Asghar A Glance at the Battle and its position in Islamic Historiography [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 121-141]

  • Mirzaei Nokabadi, Abbas Conduct studies of the Historical Sources Sunni Imams; (The case of Imam Muhammad Ibn Sjad and Soldiers on Damascus to Medina) [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 111-136]

  • Moftakhari, Hossein From historical psychology to psychological history [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-176]

  • Moghadam Charkari, Siavash Recognition of Theoretical and Structural Common Ground of Audio Media & Oral History [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 155-171]

  • MohammadAli Goshayesh, Elham An analysis on caricatures of the Azerbaijan newspaper during constitutional period (1907) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 177-210]

  • Mohammadi, Zekrola An Analysis of Sharafkhan Badlisi's Approach to Historical Perspective and Historiography in Sharafnameh [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 269-295]

  • Mohammadi, Zekrollah Insights and methods in the history and historicizing of Hamdollah Mustawfi Qhazvini [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 149-179]

  • Mohammadi, Zekrollah Reflection of the epic concepts of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in the portrayal of the power of the Mongols and Iranians in the Changizi's Shahnameh [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-87]

  • Mohammadi Fesharaki, Mohsen A New Found Versified History of Shah Abbas the Great [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 11-33]

  • Mohammadi Nosodi, Sohayb The pathology of Literature review in historical studies (Case study: master theses in the field of history) [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 245-272]

  • Mohammad Zamani, Ali Critical analysis of Al-Dori’s view on the Islamic Historigraphy [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 143-165]

  • Moharamkhani, Fariborz Tudeh Party's Stance on Iran's Islamic Revolution witE emphasis on Left Documents (Tudeh Party) [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 125-148]

  • Mohebifar, Abasali The Study of the Mas'udi's History (290-346 AH) in Altanbihwalashraf with Emphasis on Sources [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 131-152]

  • Mojarabi, Hasan The Study of the Mas'udi's History (290-346 AH) in Altanbihwalashraf with Emphasis on Sources [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 131-152]

  • Molaei, Mohammadsarvar Intuition and Method in Mahmood Hosseini Monshi Jami Historigraphy [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 65-93]

  • Molaiy Tavani, Aalireza Biography Fundamentals: Methodological Considerations about Biographical Writing [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 141-165]

  • Mollai Tavani, Alireza Discourse analyze of Iranian’s parliament discussions about Shah’s Terror in 1965 [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 141-167]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Aalireza Critic and assessment of Dr Katozian’s viewpoint about constitutional revolution in Iran [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 157-177]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Alireza Is discipline of History in Crisis situation in Iran? [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 231-255]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Alireza Again Look at Dr. Haeri’s Achievements (Critique of the Book of Life, Works and Historical Thoughts of Dr. Abdul Hadi Haeri) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 239-263]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Alireza Discrepant concepts of Iranian historiograph; Criticism of the past way and Presenting a new way [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 229-255]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Ali Reza Methodological Reflections About identity and Credibility of the Official Historiography [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 87-113]

  • Mollaiy Tavani, Ali Reza The Cover Design of Historical Text Books in Iranian’s High School 1980- 2016 [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 145-178]

  • MollaiyTavani, Ali Reza New Landscapes in Iran’s Oral History with an Emphasis on Oral Historiography [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 129-154]

  • Mollaiy Tavany, Alireza Representation of Iraqi military violence in memoirs of Iranian prisoners of war/holy defens [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-79]

  • Mollayi Tavani, Alireza Motahari and Historical Concepts in the Realm of the Philosophy of History [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 145-170]

  • Montazeralghaem, Asghar Explaining ʿAbbās Zaryāb Khoii’s Historiography Components [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 99-121]

  • Montazeralghaem, Asghar Explaining the Methodological Components in Seyed Jafar Shahidi Religious Historiography [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 53-84]

  • Montazer al-Ghaem, Asghar The Analysis of Hesham Kalbi’s Historiography Frameworks [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 149-168]

  • Montazer Al-Ghaem, Asghar A Review of Narrations by Mo’jam al-Sahāba about the al-K̲h̲ulafāʾ al-Rās̲h̲idūn, Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Model of Fairclough [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 77-96]

  • Moradi, Alireza From historical psychology to psychological history [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-176]

  • Moradi, Masoud History and its Forthcoming Educational - Research Problems (Offering Strategies for Qualitaive Development ) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 93-123]

  • Mosavi Siani, Saeid Paradigmatic Ideas in the Critique of Historical Reason in Islam [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 107-129]

  • Motaghedi, Robabe Historiography of the subalterns through the archives of documents Looking at the docu-ments of women's activism in the nationalization of oil [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 211-227]

  • Motevally, Abdolallah An Analytic Insight toward Statistical and Numerical Data in Historiographical Sources of Safavid Era [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 87-110]

  • Motevaly, Abdolah Paradigmatic Ideas in the Critique of Historical Reason in Islam [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 107-129]

  • Mousavi, Amir Mousavi A critical Review of Historical Views of Mohammad Qutb [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 33-54]

  • Mousavi, Saeid Interpretation/ Narrative A: Tarikh-al wa' Bad-Al in Society Islamic of Context Intellectual the of .H.A Century Fourth t [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 43-70]

  • Mousavi, Seyed Mehdi Study of the Governance of Abbasid Rulers in Tabaristan Based on Choronology of Coins and Written Sources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 79-107]

  • Musavi, MirSamad Recognition of Thesocial and Economi History of Ravan State based on the Comparison between Manuscripts of the Writing of the" Lavay Ravan "in two Sections of 1727 and 1590 AD" [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 153-174]


  • Naamati, Sahar The Citation Survey of a Narration of ‘Ashura, The Book Tasliyat-Al-Mojales va Zinat-Al-Majalis [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 35-70]

  • Nadi, Zeinab Sociological ambivalence in Naseredein shah Qajar from the point of view of itinerary of "Persia and the Persian Question "of Lord Curzon with orientalism approach [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 1-35]

  • Najafian Razavi, Leyla Remaking the Narrative of the Conquest of Iran in Abū Bakr’s Caliphate in the Works of Historians of Third Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 13-41]

  • Najafian Razavi, Leyla The Investigation of Sufism Concepts Marginalization in Sheikh Sadouq's al-Amali [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 273-298]

  • Najjar, Saeed Representation of Iraqi military violence in memoirs of Iranian prisoners of war/holy defens [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 55-79]

  • Narimani, Aref The Concept and Connection of Time and Place in Old Iranian Historical Perspective (With a Focus on Sasanian Period) [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 197-225]

  • Naseri Liravi, Zeynab Historiography of Mustafa Fateh, Fateh’s approach to the Role of oil in the development and non‌‌_ development of Iran [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Nasiri Ardali, Mohsen An Analysis of the Historiography of Mohammad Shafi Tehrani in the Meraat al-Sadiqin [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 261-285]

  • Nasiri Hamed, Reza Continuity and Non Continuity in the History of the Subaltern History by Emphasis on the views of Walter Benjamin [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 287-307]

  • Nasrolahi, Fatemeh Representation of the Concept of Common People in the Memoirs of the Constitutional Era, Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 265-296]

  • Nasrollahzadeh, Cyrus Parthian Royal Titles on the Coins [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 137-160]

  • Navidfar, Mohammad The Investigation of Sufism Concepts Marginalization in Sheikh Sadouq's al-Amali [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 273-298]

  • Nayebian, Jalili A Study of Historical Method and Insight of Abassgholi Agha Bakikhanov (with Emphasize on Golestan Iram) [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 137-158]

  • Nazari Ilkhan Abadi, Tahereh Epistemological Vision in Historiography of Motahar ibn Taher Maghdasi [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 1-24]

  • Nazari Pasikhani, Hossein Reflection of Shiʿite Beliefs and Attitudes in the Tarīḵ al-Mūṣel by Abū Zakarīya Azdī (d.334 AH.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 317-330]

  • Nazemianfard, Ali Certainty in History [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 115-139]

  • Nazemianfard, Ali The Necessity of Attention to the Auxiliary Sciences of History in Bastani Parizi’s View (Case Study: Geography and Archeology) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 109-131]

  • Nazemian Fard, Ali Seffin in the Historiography of IbnAbi al-Hadid [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 167-175]

  • Nazemian Frad, Ali A comparative study of Images of Jinns in Karbala in lithographed Books of Naseri era with Islamic Narratives: A case Study of Toofan-al-Bokae [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 147-176]

  • Nazeri, Mohammad Reza Analysis of Historiography of Jahangir Mirza Qajar in the "Tarikh-e Now" [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 29-54]

  • Nazeri, Mohammad-Reza The Pathological Review of Selecting Topics in Historical Research: The Case of of Historical Thises [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 5-32]

  • Neyestani, Javad Study of the Governance of Abbasid Rulers in Tabaristan Based on Choronology of Coins and Written Sources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 79-107]

  • Niazy, Mohammad The Effect of Nationalist Discourse on the Representation of Ancient Iran in the New Historiography of the Qajar Period (A Case Study of Khosravan's Book by Jalal al-Din Mirza Qajar) [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 9-31]

  • Nouraei, Morteza Alternate History and its Function in the Popularization of History [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 297-320]

  • Nouri, Jafar Iranian Mongolology and its relation to the Marxist and Western Mongolologies in Pahlavi historiography [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 283-303]

  • Nowrozi, Jamshid Historiography of an Iranian Immigrant in the Indian Subcontinent;An essay on Historiography of Asad Bayg Qazvini [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 157-182]

  • Nowrozi, Javad The Cover Design of Historical Text Books in Iranian’s High School 1980- 2016 [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 145-178]


  • Oraee Ghadiri, Maryam A study of Nowruznameh in the Islamic era (up to the ninth century A.H.) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 211-234]

  • Ordou, Reza Transition of Classification Patterns of Ancient Iran History in Qajar Era [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 7-31]


  • Paknezhad, Sara Historical Validation of DAR CHASHM-E BAAD (In the Winds' Eye) and EMARAT-E FARANGI, Two Iranian TV Series (Reza Shah Era) [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 117-144]

  • Pakravan, Mahdiyeh A Study of the Relationship Between the Reporting Dates and the Subjects of Shiite Rebuttal Writings (Prior to the Second Half of the Fifth Century) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 39-68]

  • Panahi, Abbas Gregory Yeghikian’s Historiographical Method and Standpoint in the Soviet Union and Jangal (Jungle) Movement [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 43-64]

  • Panahi, Yaghoub The Analysis of Hesham Kalbi’s Historiography Frameworks [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 149-168]

  • Panahi, Yaghoub Explaining ʿAbbās Zaryāb Khoii’s Historiography Components [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 99-121]

  • Panahi, Yaghoub Explaining the Methodological Components in Seyed Jafar Shahidi Religious Historiography [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 53-84]

  • Panjeh, Masoomali Typology of Historical Works of Ibn Ḥabīb Baḡdādī (245 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 109-130]

  • Panjeh, Masoumali Reflection of Shiʿite Beliefs and Attitudes in the Tarīḵ al-Mūṣel by Abū Zakarīya Azdī (d.334 AH.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 317-330]

  • Pargari, Saleh Annales school, intellectual integrity of the historian or environmental determinism [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 29-53]

  • Parsamoghadam, Reza Determining the discourse order of the racial reading of Iranian romantic nationalists In contemporary Iranian historiography (from the Qajar period to the end of the Pahlavi period) [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-58]

  • Parvin, Nader Annales school, intellectual integrity of the historian or environmental determinism [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 29-53]

  • Parvish, Mohsen Reflection of the epic concepts of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in the portrayal of the power of the Mongols and Iranians in the Changizi's Shahnameh [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-87]

  • Pashazanoos, Hamid Reza The Position of History of Theophylactus Simocatta in Sassanid Era Sources [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-25]

  • Pashzadeh, Gholamali Malkum and Reforming Orthography [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 41-57]

  • Pirmoradian, Mostafa A critical Review of Historical Views of Mohammad Qutb [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 33-54]

  • Pirmoradian, Mostafa Confusion in Consept of Historiographical Text and Role of Intentionality in Justification of this Consept [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 5-30]

  • Porsoltani, Somaehe The Effects of Social, Political, and Cultural Factors on Tahmidieh (Praising Allah Statements) Presented in Literatures of the History of Islamic Iran [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 105-122]

  • Pourarian, Foad From historical psychology to psychological history [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 153-176]

  • Pourfayyaz, Nasrollah Nasrollah Falsafi and Iran's New Historiography [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 31-54]

  • Pourmokhtar, Sediqeh Discourse Analysis of Traditionalism and Historical Perspectives in the Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Art [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 39-59]

  • Poursoltani, Somayeh A Hermeneutic Reading of Title Selection in Islamic Iranian Historical Sources (11-20 CE/5-14 Century AH) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 141-163]


  • Qazvini Haeri, Yaser Reviewing and criticizing the opinions and arguments of Arab and Iranian historians about the name of the Persian Gulf [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 253-281]


  • Rafatipanah Mehrabadi, Mahdi An analysis of action pattern and Narrative Syntax in Ardeshi Zahedi᾿s narrative of the coup 28th Mordad 1332/ August 19th 1953 [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 137-157]

  • Rafatipanah Mehrabadi, Mahdi History of environmental education in Iran: environment in textbooks of the 1980s/1360S [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 121-151]

  • Rafatipanah Mehrabadi, Mahdi The history of environmental formal education in Iran: Environment in textbooks of the 1370s/1990s and 1380/2000s [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 163-196]

  • Rafiei Atany, Maryam People's Attitudes to Antiquities in the Qajar Period [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 105-124]

  • Raf‘atipanaᾱh Mehrᾱbᾱdī, Mahdi Historians as Actors in the Report of Historical Events; A Comparative Study of Saqῑfe Narrative in History of Tabarῑ and History of Bal‘amῑ [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 123-146]

  • Rahimi Ariaei, Afrooz The Morphology of Kufic Inscriptions in Mosques and Minarets in Isfahan: The Cases of Razi and Azari Styles [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-38]

  • Rahmaninan, Dariush Recognition of method of Historiography of Mansure Etehadieh [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 105-127]

  • Rahmati, Mohsen The Importance of Nuzhat Al-Qulūb in Explaining Historical Geography and Determining the Place-Names of Kurdistan during the Ilkhanid Period [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 117-139]

  • Rajaei, Jalal The Typology of Studies on the Shu'ubiyyah in the Contemporary Era (the West, the Arab World, and Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 243-268]

  • Ramezan Damavandi, Ali Sourceology of Ctesias' Persica: in search of Iranian sources [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 135-157]

  • Ramzanpour, Hassan Pathology of “Problem Statement” in Historical Research (Case Study: Master Dissertations in History) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 15-38]

  • Rashtiani, Godarz The prefaces of Afsharid Historical Texts; Continuity and Transition in Iranian Historiography [Volume 21, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 37-61]

  • Rasouli, Hossein Nationalist Historiography in Reza Shah Era and Its Emphasis on Ethnic Affinity between Kurds and Iranians [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 39-59]

  • Razavi, Abolfazl Ideas of Iranian Identity in Banakati’s Historiography Dissertation [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 55-80]

  • Razavi, Abolfazl A Reflection on the Position of a Global Approach to Islamic Historiography [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 25-42]

  • Razavi, Sayyd Abolfazl Religeons self and other in Historiography of Aalam Aaye Araye Naderi [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 5-30]

  • Rehmanian, Dariush Nasrollah Falsafi and Iran's New Historiography [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 31-54]

  • Rezaei, Mohammad Components of the Historiography of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Local Historiography of North-western Iran [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 137-162]

  • Rezaeyan, Ali Importance of Contracts and Oath Treaties of 10th and 11th Centuries in Analyzing Relations between Central State and Dominions [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 55-68]

  • Rezaii, Zohreh Stance of Historiography for the Public in Bastani Parizi View, an Analytical Prospect [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 61-83]

  • Rezaii, Zohreh Alternate History and its Function in the Popularization of History [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 297-320]

  • Rooholahiamiri, Zahra A Thematic Analysis of Kharijite Narretives of the Umayyad Era (41-132) in the Historical Sources of the Companions of Hadith [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-209]

  • Rostami, Fatemeh Historiography of shams_Alhosn and Commonalities that two Subsequent Ether (Zafarnamehyazi and Jame_AltavarikhHassani) [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 55-73]


  • Saboorian, Mohsen The Nature Historical Explanation of Ibn Khaldun’s Thoughts [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 21-44]

  • Sadat, Seyyed mahmood Applying the Publishing Standards of the International Institute of ISO in Persian Journals of History [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 159-184]

  • Sadat, Seyyed Mahmood Analysis of the Demands of Tehran Women in the Second Pahlavi Period (1941-1953) based on the Petitions to the National Assembly [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 77-105]

  • Sadeghi, Maghsoud Ali Abdolhossein Khatoon Abadi's Historiography and its Differences and Innovations [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 211-233]

  • Sadri, Manijeh Discourse Turn and Iranian Readings of Khiabani's Uprising [Volume 25, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 25-55]

  • Sadri, Manijhe An Analysis of the Historiography of Mohammad Shafi Tehrani in the Meraat al-Sadiqin [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 261-285]

  • Saedi, Vahid The Analysis of Hesham Kalbi’s Historiography Frameworks [Volume 24, Issue 13, 2014, Pages 149-168]

  • Safari Forushani, Ne'mat Allahi Conduct studies of the Historical Sources Sunni Imams; (The case of Imam Muhammad Ibn Sjad and Soldiers on Damascus to Medina) [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 111-136]

  • Saheb, Meysam Explanatory Componentes and Elements of Bahar's Poetry in the Opposition with Despotism [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 117-140]

  • Salah, Mehdi A Reflection on the Position of a Global Approach to Islamic Historiography [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 25-42]

  • Salari, Ghasem Importance of Contracts and Oath Treaties of 10th and 11th Centuries in Analyzing Relations between Central State and Dominions [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 55-68]

  • Salarishadi, Ali Research Methods of Narrators , From Narrative Era to Writing Era [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 49-79]

  • Salarishadi, Ali A Glimpse of the Works and Traditions of Seif ien Omar Tamimi Assadi (death c. 180 Hejri), with Emphasize on Tabari's History [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 25-44]

  • Salarishadi, Ali Position and Relation of Ilkanid Historians Toward Ibn al-Athir : Conflict and Contradiction [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 35-60]

  • Salarishadi, Ali Ibn al-Athir and the Arabic Maghreb and Andalusia resources [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 5-28]

  • Salarishadi, Ali The approach and narration of historians of the Afshariya period towards the Safavid dynasty [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 159-182]

  • Salehi Hajiabadi, Ebrahim A Survey Historical Identity of "Maqtal Abi Mikhnaf" [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 51-73]

  • Salehipour, Shahzad The Unseen Problems and the Necessity for Designing a Suitable Policy for art Education in Persian Painting [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 77-99]

  • Salim, Mohammad Nabi A Study of the Timeliness of Narrative in the Exir al-Tavarikh Based on Gerard Genet's Theory [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 123-146]

  • Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Rationale Approaches in Historiography of Mehdigholi Hedayat ( A Case Study of Progress Advocacy and Modernism) [Volume 21, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 45-65]

  • Salmasizadeh, Mohammad The Rational Approach of the Iranian Historiography before the Constitutions [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 57-77]

  • Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Meritocracy or "Emtiyaz-e Fazli" in the Political Treatises of Qajar Era (Case Study Political Preatises in the Naserddin Shah Qajar Era) [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 69-90]

  • Samaei Dastjerdi, Masoomeh The Importance of Colophon in Recognizing the Historical Values of Manuscript of "Jong-e Ahmad Gholam" (Date of Writing: 1135 - 1142 Ah.) [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 147-179]

  • Sangari, Esmaeil An Approach to History from the Viewpoint of Philosophy of History of Zoroastrianism [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 55-77]

  • Sarafrazi, Abbas Analysis of Historiography of Jahangir Mirza Qajar in the "Tarikh-e Now" [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 29-54]

  • Sedghi, Naser The Methodology of Ibn- Khaldun in Historical Studies [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 19-42]

  • Sedghi, Naser Intellectual Approach of the Khabar Oriented Veiw in Islamic Historiography [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 75-95]

  • Sedghi, Naser Seljukid Historiography and the Political Changes [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]

  • Sedghi, Naser Methodological trends in Islamic Historiography [Volume 23, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 101-116]

  • Sedghi, Naser The Place of Oral History and Myth in Historiography of Rashidaddin Fazollah [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 101-116]

  • Sedghi, Naser The Concept and Connection of Time and Place in Old Iranian Historical Perspective (With a Focus on Sasanian Period) [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 197-225]

  • Setayesh, Simin Recognition of Thesocial and Economi History of Ravan State based on the Comparison between Manuscripts of the Writing of the" Lavay Ravan "in two Sections of 1727 and 1590 AD" [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 153-174]

  • Seyyed Ahmadi Zavieh, Seyyed Saeed An Inquiry in Analytic History Theory by Robin George Collingwood [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 85-104]

  • Shadpour Tafazoli, Maryam The Usage of Sources in recognition of original Historical Documents [Volume 23, Issue 11, 2013, Pages 89-124]

  • Shahabi, Ruhollah Utilizing of Psychological Findings in Historical Analysis; a Critical Review [Volume 26, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 91-116]

  • Shahvand, Ali An Analysis of the Place of Historical Studies and Historiographies in Encyclopedias and Ajayebnamehs (Wonderbooks) [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 115-141]

  • Shams, Esmail The Use of Poetry as a Historical Source: A Comparative Study of Ravadians of Azerbaijan's Historiography in Qatran Tabrizi's Volume of Poetry and Islamic Historical Sources [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 133-154]

  • Shamshirgarha, Mahbobeh The Phases of Historiography of Iran-Iraq War in the West [Volume 27, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 109-131]

  • Sharafi, Mahbobeh Attitude to Max Weber's Methodology and its Usage in Historical Studies and Researches [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 93-116]

  • Sharafi, Mahbobeh The Bases of The Historical Science in Vassaf-e- Shirazi`s Thought [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-122]

  • Sharafi, Mahbobeh Analytical Comparison of Ibn Khordadbeh and Istakhri's Geography Writing [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 215-241]

  • Sharitanejad kiasari, Atiyeh Typology of Historical Works of Ibn Ḥabīb Baḡdādī (245 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 109-130]

  • Sheikhnoori, Mohamad Amir Historiography of Mustafa Fateh, Fateh’s approach to the Role of oil in the development and non‌‌_ development of Iran [Volume 31, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Shikh Noori, Mohammad Amir Representation of the Concept of Common People in the Memoirs of the Constitutional Era, Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 265-296]

  • Shoormeij, Mohammad Method and Insight in Historiography Eskandar Bayg Monshi inTarikh-e 'Alamara-ye 'Abbas (with emphasis on the events of Gilan) [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 79-100]

  • Siamian, Zohair Representation of ideology in academic textbooks of Iranian history [(Articles in Press)]

  • Siyamiyan Gorji, Zohair Interpretation/ Narrative A: Tarikh-al wa' Bad-Al in Society Islamic of Context Intellectual the of .H.A Century Fourth t [Volume 26, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 43-70]

  • Soleimanian, Moslem Annales school, intellectual integrity of the historian or environmental determinism [Volume 22, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 29-53]

  • Soleimanian, Moslem Analysis of the Comparison of Historiographical Components in the History of Diyarbakiriyah and Alam Aray e Amini by Reflecting the Fiction Question [Volume 29, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 185-210]

  • Soleymani, Saeed A Numismatic Research on the Outset of Seljuk's Rule in Jurjan [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 61-70]


  • Tabesh, Yaqub Why the Tohfato al-Alam was written during the reign of Shah Sultan Hussein Safavi [Volume 31, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 85-107]

  • Taghavi, Hedieh Style and Insight of Umar ibn Shabeh Namiri in history of Al-Madina Al-monavareh [Volume 24, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 31-55]

  • Tahami, Sed Ehsan Review of History as Chaotic Behavior of a Nonlinear System [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 51-78]

  • Taheri, Mahbobeh A Study of the Timeliness of Narrative in the Exir al-Tavarikh Based on Gerard Genet's Theory [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 123-146]

  • Taherzade, Maryam Representation of ideology in academic textbooks of Iranian history [(Articles in Press)]

  • Takmil Homayon, Naser Representation of the Concept of Common People in the Memoirs of the Constitutional Era, Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 265-296]

  • Taleban, Mohammadreza Causality in Historical Studies [Volume 25, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 61-87]

  • Taqavi, Muhammad The issue of similarity or difference between Al-Hāwi Fi al-Tibb and Al-Jāmi' Al-Kabir of Muhammad ibn Zakariya Al-Razi: An Evidence based study [Volume 27, Issue 19, 2017, Pages 55-70]

  • Tavassolikupaie, Maryam An Introduction to the Historigraphy of the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Tavoosi Masroor, Saeed A Study of the Relationship Between the Reporting Dates and the Subjects of Shiite Rebuttal Writings (Prior to the Second Half of the Fifth Century) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 39-68]

  • Toolabi, Tooran Representation of Zahâk in Ottoman Critical Literature [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 227-252]

  • Torabifarsani, Soheila An Introduction to the Historigraphy of the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Torabi Farsani, Soheila Analysis of Local Historiography of Post-Constitutional Iran (1324-1336 AH) [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 213-230]

  • Torkamanyazar, Parvin Recovery of Persian Conventional Culture in Historiography of Ibn -Balkhi Practical Theosophy and Culture of Shuubiye [Volume 22, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 1-19]


  • Vakili, Hadi A comparative study of Images of Jinns in Karbala in lithographed Books of Naseri era with Islamic Narratives: A case Study of Toofan-al-Bokae [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 147-176]

  • Vakili, Hadi The Necessity of Attention to the Auxiliary Sciences of History in Bastani Parizi’s View (Case Study: Geography and Archeology) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 109-131]

  • Valavi, Alimohamad A Study of the Relationship Between the Reporting Dates and the Subjects of Shiite Rebuttal Writings (Prior to the Second Half of the Fifth Century) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 39-68]

  • Valavi, Alimohammad The Effect of Evangelism on the Imagination of English-Speaking Islamic Scholars of the Prophet of Islam [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 281-306]

  • Valibeig, Nima The Morphology of Kufic Inscriptions in Mosques and Minarets in Isfahan: The Cases of Razi and Azari Styles [Volume 28, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-38]

  • Varfinezhad, Iraj Mission of the historian; An exploration and a critique on the thick description as the most important task of historians [(Articles in Press)]

  • Vatandooost, Golamreza Nationalism in The History Textbooks in The first Pahlavid Period [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 181-205]


  • Yari, Yasaman The Effect of Evangelism on the Imagination of English-Speaking Islamic Scholars of the Prophet of Islam [Volume 29, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 281-306]

  • Yari, Yasaman Investigating how the Battle of Badr is reflected in the texts of the English-speaking orientalists of the Victorian period [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 299-317]

  • Yousefi, Arash The “Bon Sauvage” and the Man of the Millennium: A Historiography of Western Studies on the Mongol Empire [Volume 32, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 256-321]


  • Zangiabadi, Fakhri The Necessity of Attention to the Auxiliary Sciences of History in Bastani Parizi’s View (Case Study: Geography and Archeology) [Volume 30, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 109-131]

  • Zarezadeh, Fahime Exploring the Grotesque in the Lithographic Pictorial Version of “the Story of His Highness Solomon” [Volume 30, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 181-213]

  • Zargirinejad, Gholam Hossein Writing as a Translation (Pathology of Translations in Iran of the Nasiridsi Era 1846- 1895) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 21-39]

  • Zarrinkoob, Roozbeh Sourceology of Ctesias' Persica: in search of Iranian sources [Volume 32, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 135-157]

  • Zeinali, Bahman A study and Analysis of the Reflection of Ghazwa Banu Qaynaqa’ in Quran with an Emphasis on Quran’s Attitudinal and Authorship Patterns [Volume 28, Issue 21, 2018, Pages 53-75]